一般社団法人 情報システム学会



Mission Statement of the Information Systems Society of Japan
May 30, 2009
 Information systems (IS) are social mechanisms, including human activities, that collect, process, and transmit relevant information to support activities of societies, organizations or individuals. As it is essential for them to deal with IS to solve their problems, they desire to use more secure IS. It is necessary to foster valuable human resources bearing IS, to build IS that are truly reliable and useful for users, so that our information society may accomplish wholesome development.

 In recognition of the above-mentioned, we establish the information systems discipline through consideration ranging widely over the conceptual framework, the body of methodology, and social influences, etc. of IS and disseminate our research results to societies. We invite people such as researchers from various fields, specialists, managers, users, citizens, and administrative bodies to join our society, and, furthermore, promote closer cooperation among them.

 We believe our contribution will help to realize the truly human-oriented information society because of our efforts.

Copyright © 2010 Information Systems Society of Japan